As institutions attempt to implement a variety of priorities, they understandably focus on the end result: improved student outcomes and equity. However, most educators miss something critical that needs to happen “in between” the priorities and improved outcomes. Source: The In Between: What’s Needed to Improve Student Outcomes
Category: Teaching
A Principal’s Reflections: Grade Change: Moving a School Culture Forward
Interesting post includes some ideas about specific grading policies. The conversation focused on some difficult questions such as what does a letter grade actually mean and how do you measure student learning. Source: A Principal’s Reflections: Grade Change: Moving a School Culture Forward
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds
However, truth and accuracy are not the only things that matter to the human mind. Humans also seem to have a deep desire to belong. Source: Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds
The Eighty Five Percent Rule for optimal learning | Nature Communications
Here, we examine the role of a single variable, the difficulty of training, on the rate of learning. In many situations we find that there is a sweet spot in which training is neither too easy nor too hard, and where learning progresses most quickly. We derive conditions for this sweet spot for a broad […]
AGLS Playbook – AGLS
A coach needs a variety of plays to call upon as the game unfolds. There simply is not one right play to run at any given time in any given game against any given team. Similarly, there is no single right response for key general education questions. It depends on who is asking and why […]
Assessing My First Attempt at Ungrading | Dr. Ian O’Byrne
as I dig in and develop my system, this is all about my journey as I strive to decenter myself in learning environments. Source: Assessing My First Attempt at Ungrading | Dr. Ian O’Byrne
Human Restoration Project
Human Restoration Project (HRP) is a 501(c)3 aimed at transforming school systems. We incorporate progressive education as actions toward systemic change. Rather than tweaking around the edges, we must transform schools toward human-centered policies that promote well-being and learning. Source: Human Restoration Project
Progressive Education
From the Primer: A humanistic education isn’t just moral, it’s also backed by extensive research. Drill and kill, faux rigor, and extensive standardization may make students better at tests, but we’re focused on the big picture. Source: Materials
The importance of stupidity in scientific research | Journal of Cell Science | The Company of Biologists
Even though this is about science and PhD students, I think it applies to wicked problems in general and undergraduate students. First, I don’t think students are made to understand how hard it is to do research. And how very, very hard it is to do important research. It’s a lot harder than taking even […]
Teaching in the Age of Disinformation
Students would benefit, Caulfield says, if professors spent more time explaining how their discipline functions. Who do the experts turn to to understand how something in their field works? How is knowledge built? Describing to students how the World Health Organization comes up with its guidance around Covid-19, and how that differs from the CDC’s […]