Greene (2009) developed a framework for collaborative problem solving as a way to organize, support, and deeply engage students in identifying realistic ways to get back on track and succeed within the classroom. This framework has three steps that can be applied across multiple modalities. All three steps are based on the fact that we […]
Category: Uncategorized
Infusing Computational Thinking into STEM Teaching: From Professional Development to Classroom Practice Source: 24_4_13.pdf – Google Drive
Ctrl-F: Helping make networks more resilient against misinformation can be as simple as two fingers » Nieman Journalism Lab
Eh, I can’t drag out the suspense any longer. Barely anyone uses Ctrl-F or knows what it does. Source: Ctrl-F: Helping make networks more resilient against misinformation can be as simple as two fingers » Nieman Journalism Lab
How to Identify Fake News – FFNews
This article will help you in identifying fake news from the truth. Source: How to Identify Fake News – FFNews
Settings:: Publishing
These settings are used by Wikity to determine privacy (openness) and publishing schedule. Please note that putting “Open” to “No” is an experimental feature, providing “good enough” privacy but not great privacy. —-Settings—- OPEN: Yes RSS DELAY: 5 days
Help:: Getting Started / Day One
Most people find that using Wikity to bookmark is a good place to start. The following video shows how you can bookmark with Wikity. Note that in the video the bookmark says ‘Bkmrk’ but in recent versions says ‘Wik-it’. The editor has also been upgraded