Media, Technology, and Education
Movie/TV ReviewRed River Theater


I loved this documentary. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is inspiring. This rendition of her life strikes a balance between her personal life and her professional career. Without the support of her…

My New Photography Blog

As part of my IndieWeb project, I spent most of the day working on a new (self-hosted) site for my photography. It's not IndieWebified yet and I'm still working on…
Movie/TV ReviewRed River Theater


I loved the first half of this movie. Then it takes a strange turn. The big reveal near the end of the movie felt like a cop out. Charlize Theron…
Movie/TV ReviewRed River Theater

Lean On Pete

Supposedly about a race horse but really about a boy born into tough circumstances and his journey toward safety. Charlie Plummer is great as Charlie. Very sad, but realistic movie…
First Year SeminarWicked Problems


Wicked Problems April 27th, 2018, 12:30 to 1:30 at HUB Hage Room Rachelle Lyons and I will be presenting a workshop on wicked problems for anyone interested in the topic.…
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