Media, Technology, and Education
Tackling a Wicked Problem

One Pagers–First Attempts

Pat Cantor recently posted about a tool she is going to use in her Tackling a Wicked Problem class this fall: one pagers. I’m intrigued and intimidated by the idea and so thought I’d share some thoughts.

Pat posted a couple of links to explain what one pagers are: and The idea is that when we use different parts of our brain to process information that we are learning, we learn it better. So one pagers are a way for students to articulate key information and concepts on a single page both verbally and visually. I really like this idea and plan to follow Pat’s lead in asking students to create several of these over the course of the semester.

Before asking my students to create one pagers, I thought I would try them out myself. There are lots of excellent examples of student-created one pagers on the Web but I find many of them intimidating because the art work on them is so interesting and good. To make sure there are non-intimidating examples on the Web, I thought I’d share my own first attempts at creating one pagers.

This first one is a one pager about one pagers:

one pager about one pagers

The second one is a one pager of my syllabus.

syllabus one pager

Article written by:

I am currently Professor of Digital Media at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, NH. I am also the current Coordinator of General Education at the University. I am interested in astrophotography, game studies, digital literacies, open pedagogies, and generally how technology impacts our culture.

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