What are Signature Projects?
Our Section: Designing Online and Face-to-Face Experiences for Incoming PSU Students
How did you decide that PSU was the college for you? How did you learn things like which classes to take and when to take them?
Each year prospective, admitted, and enrolled students learn about PSU via web-based and face-to-face interactions designed to provide them with the information they need to make good decisions about their college attendance.
In this class, we first will learn about goals and current implementation strategies for PSU’s interactions with incoming students. We will then examine questions such as “what is design?” and “what is GOOD design?” Finally, we will design new experiences and share our ideas with the administrators in charge of them.
This course is particularly well-suited to students interested in marketing, media production, and use, communication studies, writing, psychology, education, technology design, user interfaces, and human and organizational behavior.