The Old Man and The Gun
Based on the real life of Forrest Tucker, a lifelong criminal who escaped from prison numerous time. The title of the movie comes from a New Yorker profile written by David Grann. The profile and the movie detail Tucker’s bank robbery spree at the age of 79 during a time of freedom from incarceration. Robert Redford is charming as Tucker and seems more relaxed in this role than he has in perhaps any previous role. Sissy Spacek is wonderful as his current love interest. There are some great supporting characters as well. The script, however, is a bit strange in that it isn’t always clear why the writers chose the particular incidents they did to be part of the movie. There’s a particularly odd scene of an interview with Tucker’s daughter, played by Elisabeth Moss (who is wonderful as always). There’s another odd scene in which Tucker goes to the bank to pay off Spacek’s character’s mortgage but because the bank won’t allow him to do it without her knowledge, he decides not to do it at all. I liked the movie fine because of all the charming characterizations by some wonderful actors. But overall, the movie didn’t really stick with me in any way.
At Red River with Pat and Al.