May Movies
I have to be better about posting my movie “reviews” more quickly. I get overwhelmed thinking that I need to write something about the movie when really the whole point of me doing these reviews is just to record what movies I’ve seen. So this month, I’m writing very little about each of these viewings.
Avengers: End Game ☆☆☆
I enjoyed this movie. But…I fell asleep. I can count on one hand the number of times I have fallen asleep during a movie. Despite napping for something like 20 minutes, I didn’t lose any thread of the narrative–and I think that tells you something too. Like I said, I enjoyed the movie. There were so many interesting characters. So. Many. Characters. But not enough of the ones I really like. My main criticism of the plot is that Captain Marvel could just have taken care of everything but she was “busy on other planets.” Ok.
At the Concord Regal with Ann and Pat.
Tolkien ☆☆☆☆
I enjoyed this much more than I expected to.
At Red River with Ann, Pat, and Al.
Hail Satan ☆☆☆☆☆
Such a fun and funny but important documentary about the First Amendment.
At Red River with Ann, Pat, and Al.
Wine Country ☆☆
I heard Amy Poehler talking about this movie on NPR after I watched it and her ideas about what the movie could be were so much more interesting than what the movie actually was. Too bad because I was primed to love this one.
On Netflix at home.
Booksmart ☆☆☆☆
There was a lot of dumb stuff in this teen comedy. But there was so much more smart.
At the Concord Regal with Ann, Pat, and Al.